ACARD Tokenomics

The ACARD token is engineered to be the cornerstone of the Anon Card ecosystem, facilitating not just transactional activities but also acting as a medium for rewarding participation, ensuring liquidity, and enabling community governance. Here's an in-depth look at the tokenomics of ACARD, adhering to the specified allocation and its intended purposes.

Total Supply and Strategic Allocation

  • Total Supply: The ACARD token boasts a capped supply of 100 million tokens. This finite supply underscores the token's value proposition, preventing inflation and preserving the wealth of the ecosystem participants.

Allocation Details:

  • DEX Listing (70%): A majority of ACARD tokens, 70%, are allocated to liquidity pools on decentralized exchanges. This commitment ensures that ACARD maintains high liquidity, facilitating smooth and efficient transactions for users. High liquidity is crucial for reducing slippage during trades, thereby enhancing the user experience and supporting the token's market stability.

  • Future Partnerships (15%): Fifteen percent of the tokens are set aside to foster strategic partnerships that will expand Anon Card's utility and presence in the market. These partnerships are essential for integrating Anon Card into broader financial ecosystems, creating new use cases for ACARD, and driving the platform's adoption.

  • Community Initiatives (10%): Ten percent of the tokens are dedicated to community initiatives, including rewards for active participation, promotional activities, and community-driven projects. This allocation is pivotal in building a strong and engaged Anon Card community, encouraging user involvement, and fostering a sense of ownership among participants.

  • Founders and Innovators (5%): The final five percent is reserved for the project's founders and key innovators. This allocation not only rewards their vision and dedication but also aligns their long-term interests with the success and growth of the Anon Card ecosystem. A vesting schedule is applied to these tokens to ensure commitment to the project's future development.

Token Utility and Benefits

Economical Transactions:

Using ACARD tokens significantly reduces transaction fees within the Anon Card platform. This utility directly benefits users by making financial activities more cost-effective, encouraging the use of ACARD for transactions, and increasing token circulation within the ecosystem.

Shared Revenue Incentive:

ACARD token holders are integral to the ecosystem's success and are rewarded through a shared revenue model. A portion of the platform's revenue is distributed among token holders, providing a continuous incentive for investment and participation in Anon Card's growth.

Ensuring Liquidity and Fostering Growth

The strategic allocation of ACARD tokens, especially the significant portion designated for DEX listing, underscores Anon Card's commitment to ensuring liquidity and market stability. By facilitating easy access to ACARD tokens, the platform enhances user experience, supports token value, and fosters trust within the community.

The reserved tokens for future partnerships and community initiatives highlight Anon Card's forward-looking approach, aiming to expand the ecosystem's capabilities and engage users actively. Meanwhile, the allocation to founders and innovators ensures sustained development and innovation, keeping Anon Card at the forefront of financial technology.


The ACARD tokenomics model is meticulously designed to balance liquidity, ecosystem growth, user engagement, and long-term sustainability. Through thoughtful allocation and strategic utility, ACARD is positioned as the linchpin of the Anon Card ecosystem, driving participation, rewarding users, and enabling the platform's ambitious vision for redefining financial transactions in the digital age.

Last updated